Are you ready to give yourself, your leaders, and every employee the opportunity to live the ideal life? In this conversation, you will hear how Entrepreneurs and their leadership teams are creating the possibility for everyone in the organization to thrive. Attract great people to your organization, retain your best people, and increase the motivation of everyone by committing to living and advocating everyone take the journey to a thriving EOS life where everyone is doing what they love with people they love, making a great contribution, being compensated appropriately, and having plenty of time for their families and other passions. If these conversations resonate with you and you want to participate in the discussion, you can catch me on LinkedIn or on my Website willcrist.com
Tuesday Aug 22, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Kelly Peeler - CEO of NextGen Vest
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Kenton Hyatt & Cheryl De Ciantis - Clarify Your Values
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Some think that values are part of an individual’s unchanging core, the essence of who each one of us is. Indeed there may be some ‘hard-wiring’ involved in each of our personal set of values, and we may hold certain values very deeply and for a lifetime. However, just as humans can and do change as a result of experience and learning, values, too, are fundamentally changeable. Here is the key: once our values become conscious, they can be changed. They are subject to individual choice. Understanding how values operate in your life to drive your dreams, decisions, and actions will help you to make more conscious value choices in your life and work
We have said that many choices we make are impelled by factors of which we may be unaware. These factors, such as what we are taught as children, or the cultural frameworks we have been brought up in, contribute to creating values we may hold. Some we will be very aware of; others we may not be aware of as a driving force in our lives. Some values, such as those for example having to do with belonging to a group or recognition for our accomplishments, may have been in place so long that they operate below the level of consciousness, and we may not even realize they are working, and energizing—or de-energizing—to us. Being asked a simple question, for example if a boss takes the time to ask “How do you want to be rewarded?” can bring a value like recognition into conscious focus. Not only that, but we may also find in this conscious focus the opportunity to reflect on what recognition means to us (A cash reward? My name announced in a group meeting? My boss taking my spouse and me out to lunch and telling my spouse how much I contribute to the team?) When a value comes into conscious focus through choice, or through being called into awareness by circumstances, it is equally important that we take the time to understand exactly what that value means to us. |
New values may be presented to us by necessity. Adults usually do not consciously seek skills without a reason for doing so. At times, we find ourselves in a situation where something other than what we hold as important comes to the fore. I may not have had to think as much about safety as other parts of my job responsibilities until I am appointed a safety team leader. I quickly find myself having to learn about aspects of workplace safety I never knew, and may come to deeply value safety while spending conscious time and energy understanding it thoroughly. It is not that I never valued safety, and perhaps it was one of the values already in place from childhood instruction; that is, internalized but not finding much place in my conscious awareness. But now it has become more highly prioritized. In my new role, I may additionally decide I need to more highly prioritize the value of informing others because I now recognize that well-presented information contributes to workplace safety. Life situations change, and we may find ourselves with a new value, or find ourselves more highly prioritizing a value as we seek to learn the skills associated with it. |
We may be inspired by a life event or by another person to give conscious value to something we never thought about before. Adolescence and early adulthood are times when what we value may go through significant changes. Think, for example of how students often begin to hold very expansive and idealistic values as their understanding of the world begins to expand through education or a widening sphere of experience. These may continue to be values that are held for the rest of one’s life. Having a family calls for a re-prioritization of values, usually involving more attention to finances and to security, safety and health matters, matters that without a family we might not have valued as highly, or now value for very different reasons. Mid-life may present an opportunity to re-assess and to take on board different values than those that served previously. Entering the workforce, having a family, changing jobs, attaining to mid-life and empty-nesting or otherwise changing relationship status, and entering elderhood; all present natural life opportunities to take on different perspectives and to make different values choices. |
At any of these times, we may find ourselves in situations in which factors come into play that may cause us to think and behave in ways that may not be in alignment with what we believe to be our values. We might feel anxious, or stressed, or somehow less comfortable than we have been accustomed to. These factors can be external or internal, conscious or unconscious, and we may find ourselves asking the question “Why am I doing this?” Such a question may lead to an examination of the values we hold and sometimes a conscious change in some of those values. Some people ask this question of themselves, as part of an internalized habit of healthy periodic introspection. But often life events that seem to be thrust upon us spur this introspection. At such times, what we value is likely to change. |
Of course, there is no natural law that says values must be changed, or that one set of values is more or less correct than another. If we know some basics about how values operate and what our own values are, we can make the conscious choice to re-prioritize our values or to take on board different ones should we wish to do so. They are our values: it’s up to us. |
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Darrell Weekes - Make Your Marketing Strategic
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
“Success is not a mystery, it’s a system, a system that can be learned and replicated” This is Darrell Weekes’s mantra.
Now the words dynamic and high energy are not normally words you would associate with a boy from the bush. Straight forward, no fluff, tell it like it is are words that are more likely to be used to describe country folk. Well Darrell Weekes is both. A boy from the bush whose straight forward delivery style earns him praise whenever he speaks. Having presented at hundreds of conferences over the last four years, Darrell is an extremely experienced and professional presenter. To everyone who engages Darrell he makes one promise “when people make an investment to come and listen to me speak I promise to make that investment worthwhile”. Darrell leaves nothing in reserve, when he’s finished you’ll know he’s laid it all on the table.
Everything Darrell shares with his audience he has done. This is hands on experience delivered from the man who did it and experienced it. From creating successful businesses using his “Solution Driven Selling System” to earning bucket loads of referrals by delivering “Exceptional Service” Darrell has created and tested these systems and now he shares them with you.
As an example of how powerful Darrells’ systems are, when he started a small Mortgage Broking business in Canberra he produced ten times the average production for Australian brokers. In a roll out of just one of his business building systems with 40 small business owners the average increase in sales over the three months following the implementation was 73%.
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Hugo Gonzalez - Help the Entrepreneur Thrive
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Hugo Gonzalez possesses numerous years of experience as a key financial and operational executive for various corporations, from start-up ventures to Fortune 500 conglomerates.
Hugo’s expertise lies in the Strategy development and implementation, Financial and Operations; leading to areas of Brand Management, Business Development, Accounting Controls, Human Resources, Capital, and Turn-Around Management.
Hugo has founded numerous successful firms including a leading Regional CPA firm based in Irvine, California, a Small Business Capital Firm, Advisory and Strategy Firm, and recently, a Merger & Acquisition firm, located in Southern California.
Hugo has helped start-up and small businesses through the initial challenging years, from establishing a strong structure to their day-to-day operations, and finally to the long term strategic planning. Hugo is a serial entrepreneur who thrives on challenge and impact, builds strong relationships, is sensitive to interests of multiple stakeholders, is a people connector and promotes collaborative team-driven work environments.
Hugo serves in the board of various corporations and not-for-profit organizations. Including, Small Business & Entrepreneurship Institute, a not-for-profit organization that works in coordination with The Kaufman Foundations’ Global Entrepreneur Week and other related Start-up initiatives. Hugo is also an active member of various business, consulting and quality management organizations.
He is an active member of ESGR (Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve) a DOD NFP Organization based in Washington DC and serves other charitable and community based organizations.
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Allan Maguire - Systemize Business Processes
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Saturday Dec 10, 2016
Al has more than 25 years of extensive business experience as a senior financial executive and trusted advisor to CEOs and business owners of public and privately held companies. He has been the Chief Financial Officer for companies ranging from startup through to $300 million. Al's industry experience includes retail, hospitality, consumer products, manufacturing and distribution, consulting, and aerospace and defense. He has successfully applied innovative thinking and problem solving, strategic analysis and plan implementation. Al has been called a "realignment CFO" and a "pain reliever" because of his ability to quickly make an impact.
Al's experience as a CFO extends to virtually every aspect of a business's financial and operating needs. In addition to turn-arounds, building, rebuilding and managing financial teams of all sizes and complexity, he has also had direct management responsibility for HR, IT, Credit & Collections, Risk Management, Operations, Contracts, and Customer Service. The commonality has been his ability to work with his peers and mentor teams to achieve the company's goals. He believes, "If you are not serving the customer directly, you should be serving those that are."
Al has successfully managed companies through accelerated growth as well as through downturns. He has had key roles in 25 mergers, acquisitions and divestitures and was the lead in the last 10. He has completed numerous financings and recapitalizations including bank debt, private placements and IPOs. He has successfully developed and maintained financing relationships with banks, investors and other sources of funds.
Other areas of expertise include:
- Cash flow and working capital management
- Operational evaluation & improvement
- Cost and profit analysis/product margin and pricing analysis
- Expense reduction and cost containment
- Timely and accurate financial reporting, analysis, and presentation
- Strategic planning, budgeting, cash forecasting, and financial projections
- Development and translation of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dashboards and understanding the underlying levers available to affect improvements
- Business restructuring, turnarounds, and vendor relations
- ERP/accounting software review, selection through to implementation
- Bank and alternative financing
- Human resources and risk management
- Banking, CPA, attorney, and insurance relationships
Al brings passion and enthusiasm to his job and the companies he serves. He is a straightforward and detailed communicator who is equally effective with boards, investors, management, and staff. Honesty, integrity, and enjoyment are core values that have led to success throughout his career.
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Peter Chang - Bring Innovation and Creativity to OC Schools
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Peter Chang is the Founder and Executive Director of the Child Creativity Lab. Peter recently also served as an appointed member on the Orange County Child Care & Development Planning Council and a board member for the Orange County chapter of the California School-Age Consortium (CalSAC). Peter started his career working at a not-for-profit organization servicing the needs of HIV and AIDS patients and has over 10 years of experience in business, marketing strategy, and new product planning. He graduated with a BS degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California, an MBA in Business Administration from the University of Rochester, and an MPH in Public Health from the University of California, Los Angeles.
The Child Creativity Lab's mission is to foster the next generation of critical thinkers, problem solvers, innovators, and leaders through hands-on creativity-enhancing exploration. Today’s children become tomorrow’s visionaries.
The Child Creativity Lab (CCL) offers educational programs that focus on creativity-enhancing stimulation and inspiration in alignment and in support of overarching California State Department of Education initiatives for pre-Kindergarten through 8th graders. These STEM-based programs are facilitated at the Child Creativity Lab Depot for Creative Reuse and directly on-site at schools, after-school programs, libraries, community events, faith-based organizations, and more via the Child Creativity Lab Museum-on-Wheels initiative.
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Paul Lanigan - Recover from a Bad Patch and Regain Your Mojo
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Paul Lanigan is a communication expert. He entertains as he enlightens, combining colourful personal experiences to give you a fresh, unflinching perspective on the sales process. Paul’s unique brand of sales edu-tainment is generously spiced with humorous and relevant stories garnered during an eventful 17-year sales and sales management career.
Here, Paul shares his leadership skills, honed by his experience in both large and small technology organizations and as an entrepreneur. His specialty is showing you how to gain the respect and attention of the most demanding team members to gain a level of buy-in most never believed was possible.
An engineer by background, Paul Lanigan is now the CEO of Sandler Sales Institute; a company that helps executives develop sales strategies and tactics. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology from Staffordshire University and a BA in Management from Irish Management Institute.
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
Pilgrim Talks: Chip Espinoza, Manage Millennials Effectively
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
Wednesday Sep 21, 2016
Chip Espinoza has studied millennials in the workplace. The author of the recent book Millennials Who Manage and the 2010 book Managing the Millennials says tis new generation of managers will take a step further in creating a people-first workplace.
Say goodbye to annual performance reviews and rigid nine-to-five working hours. "This generation of managers is going to identify metrics that determine whether people are productive or not," says Espinoza. Frustrated with the idea that productivity is measured by the number of hours you sit at your desk, millennials are going to focus on better ways to measure performance. "Things like key performance indicators will continue to be a movement," says Espinoza. Millennial managers will avoid formal annual performance reviews, replacing them with more frequent and informal feedback systems that allow for better communication between managers and employees. [from Fast Company]
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Peter Lawson - Transform Accounting Fees from a Cost to an Investment
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Peter Lawson has developed the marketing equation for accountants that once implemented will immediately drive traffic to their web sites and attract business owners that are looking for their help.
Business owners today want just two things for their business...more leads and more revenue.
As a practicing accountant, Peter can relate to this situation where accountants do not have a system to assist their clients with marketing. Well now they do. Peter has developed a marketing system that allows accountants to offer tools to their clients to assist them with generating more leads and more revenue for their business. And the clients really appreciate this advice, and are prepared to pay for it. This doesn't mean that the accountant becomes a marketing expert, it just means that they have a system available to assist their clients with marketing.
In his spare time Peter sails the Historical 18ft Skiffs on Sydney Harbour. This is a great way to keep in touch with his sailing buddies and have a beer and a chat after the race.
*Lead generation for accountants*Marketing for accountants*Attracting quality clients for accountants*Improving client retention*Monetizing the advice that accountants are currently giving away for free*Coaching system to attract and retain quality clients*Author of #1 Best Selling Books on how Accountants and Bookkeepers can engage with clients
*Specialist in setting up Business Advisory Service Divisions in accounting practices
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Pilgrim Talks: John Silvani, Founder and CEO of Gravity Software
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
After 30 years in the software industry, John has become one of the nation’s top respected resellers of business applications. His background and leadership has provided him with an understanding of the demands and needs for growing organizations.
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Ryan Huff - Make CRM Easy
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Gregory Wahl - Consider Going Public
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Thursday Aug 11, 2016
Gregory A. Wahl is in charge of the strategic vision of the Firm. Greg served as the Managing Partner for a regional public accounting firm’s Orange County Office in Costa Mesa from January 2005 to November 2007.
Greg began his career with KPMG LLP in 1999 and left in 2004 as a Manager in the Audit and Assurance Practice.
Greg has been working with companies in Asia (Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong and China) and taking them public for the past nine years. He has grown the Firm from himself to a multi-office, international boutique with over 65 professionals in six years.
Greg has over 17 years of experience in auditing and consulting companies that file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and has significant experience resolving complex accounting and SECreporting issues. He has a particular expertise in life sciences, pharmaceuticals, specialty finance, includingsub-prime lending, consumer products, including consumer electronics, distribution, manufacturing, and retail; and technology, including clean-technology, alternative energy industries. He regularly supervises engagements for companies that are completing going public transactions (Form 10, Form S-1, and reverse takeover transactions) and secondary public offerings for companies.
His transactional experience has allowed him to be involved in capital raises in excess of $3.5B where he has partnered with Deutsche Bank, Jeffries and Company, JP Morgan, Dawson James Securities, Inc., Dominick and Dominick and Merrill Lynch. He has been involved with six successful securitization transactions with over $2.0B in value and responsible for the compliance with the SEC rules under Regulation AB and assisted a well-recognized Wall Street underwriter with its due diligence on the loan pools related to each securitization.
Greg has extensive experience with control processes and risk management for numerous companies and developed various firm standard templates and working papers for compliance with PCAOB Accounting Standards. He has participated in numerous financing transactions, auditing companies in international jurisdictions (including Canada, China, Europe, Hong Kong and South East Asia) and with multi-locations.
He has assisted companies with their internal financial reporting and has consulted his clients with the drafting, summarizing, and negotiating key contracts for compliance with appropriate US GAAP for revenue recognition and for business combinations, particularly reverse merger transactions.
Wednesday Dec 19, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Jacqueline Sidman, CEO and Founder of the Sidman Institute
Wednesday Dec 19, 2012
Wednesday Dec 19, 2012
Jaqueline Sidman
CEO and Founder
For more on Jacqueline's work, go to: SidmanSolution.com or call 949-251-9550
Wednesday Dec 12, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Steve McIntosh, author of Evolution's Purpose and Founder of Zen and Now
Wednesday Dec 12, 2012
Wednesday Dec 12, 2012
Steve McIntosh
STEVE MCINTOSH J.D. is a leader in the integral philosophy movement and author of the new book, Evolution's Purpose, as well as the acclaimed 2007 book, Integral Consciousness. He is also a co-founder of the new think tank: The Institute for Cultural Evolution. In addition to the think tank and his work in philosophy, McIntosh has had a variety of other successful careers, including founding the consumer products company Now & Zen, practicing law with one of America's biggest firms, working as an executive with Celestial Seasonings Tea Company, and Olympic-class bicycle racing. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia Law School and the University of Southern California Business School, and now lives in Boulder, Colorado with his wife and two sons. Does the science of evolution really prove that life, humanity, and the universe as a whole are meaningless accidents? On the contrary, as science has increasingly shown how everything in the universe is subject to evolution -- including matter, life, and human culture -- these very facts reveal that the process of evolution is unmistakably progressive. And as we come to see how evolution progresses, this reveals evolution's purpose -- to grow toward ever-widening realizations of beauty, truth, and goodness. McIntosh argues that the purpose of evolution is not "intelligently designed" or otherwise externally controlled; rather, its purpose is being creatively and originally discerned through the choices of the evolutionary creatures themselves. Without relying on ay spiritual authorities, the author shows how the scientific story of our origins is actually a profound and sacred teaching compatible with many forms of contemporary spirituality.For more on Steve's work, go to: stevemcintosh.com
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Tim Santoni, President of Santoni Investigations
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Wednesday Dec 05, 2012
Tim Santoni
Tim Santoni is passionate about the mission of his firm which is to, "Keep businesses and individuals safe by providing the next solution to the latest problem. We provide accurate information to assist our clients in making effective and strategic business decisions." As businesses plan for growth in 2013, they should be mindful of their trademark usage, insurance exposure, employee integrity and any litigation. Businesses operate in the information age where vast amounts of data are flowing and decisions are ever more important. The challenge for business owners and individuals is obtaining information that is accurate and useful in making decisions that will shape their businesses futures and their lives. Santoni Investigations is headquartered in Orange County and has offices throughout California and the United States with partners worldwide. Santoni Investigations, founded in 1975, provides professional investigative services for the management of insurance fraud, including surveillance, location of persons, asset identification and service of process nationwide. The background research team offers employment screening, background checks and due diligence investigations. Santoni also provides trademark usage, acquisition, compliance and infringement investigations to brand owners and trademark professionals. The firm specializes in anonymous specimen acquisition for anti-counterfeiting efforts, including documented chain of custody control, and the anonymous negotiation and acquisition of Internet domain names.For more information about Santoni Investigations, go to: santoniworldwide.com
Wednesday Nov 28, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Michael Levin, Founder and CEO of Business Ghost
Wednesday Nov 28, 2012
Wednesday Nov 28, 2012
Michael Levin
Founder and CEO
Michael Levin is a New York Times best-selling author. He has written, co-written, or ghostwritten over 100 books, nine of which became national best sellers. Michael, Founder and CEO of BusinessGhost, Inc., America's leading provider of ghostwritten business books, has helped create more successful books, as a writer, cowriter, ghost, or coach, than anyone in the U.S. publishing industry. His client list includes a member of the Forbes 400, five individuals with net worths of over half a billion dollars, and business leaders on four continents (North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia). He also edited Zig Ziglar's final book, Born To Win. On January 20, 2012, Michael appeared as a guest entrepreneur on the ABC Television show Shark Tank.Wednesday Nov 14, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Mike Muhney, Founder and CEO of VipOrbit
Wednesday Nov 14, 2012
Wednesday Nov 14, 2012
Mike Muhney, VIPorbit
Mike Muhney is the CEO & Founder of VIPorbit, a software startup company focused on Mobile Contact Management solutions initially focusing on the iPhone and the iPad. Mike’s credentials? Well, he is the Co-Founder and Inventor/Designer of ACT! – the product that originally created the Contact Management category globally. During it’s 24-year life ACT! has had over 10,000,000 people globally use it. Mike is also Co-Author of the book “Who’s In Your ORBIT? Beyond Facebook…Creating Relationships That Matter.”To learn more about VipOrbit, go to: VipOrbit.com
Wednesday Oct 10, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Teresa Smith, candidate for Mayor of Orange
Wednesday Oct 10, 2012
Wednesday Oct 10, 2012
Wednesday Oct 03, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: David Poole, VP for CBU Online
Wednesday Oct 03, 2012
Wednesday Oct 03, 2012
- Individual Advisors who help them throughout their time completing the program
- An interactive environment where there is more than just reading a syllabus and doing assignments
- A cost effective education with financial aid options
- Accessible to meet student needs, on their schedule
- Latest technologies in distance education including Blackboard 9.1, Telepresence, and Webex.
- World class faculty who are committed to the students' academic, professional, and spiritual success
Dr. Poole served as Vice President of Marketing and Product Development at Virtual CEO, Inc., a research and business knowledge company serving the $100+ billion global consulting market. Their clients include such organizations as Deloitte & Touche, Lockheed Martin, UCLA, Department of Defense and Lucent Technologies. As a member of the senior management team, he was responsible for consultant recruitment, marketing, brand management and the development of products and content that encompassed eight vertical markets in four languages.
Wednesday Sep 26, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Paul David Walker
Wednesday Sep 26, 2012
Wednesday Sep 26, 2012
Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Gustavo Chamorro, Director of the Digital Media Center
Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
Wednesday Sep 12, 2012
- A realistic business and marketing plan reflecting the potential to grow the business and become a leading player in their market segment.
- Reasonable credit history and adequate financial resources to remain in business for at least six (6) months.
- A strong entrepreneurial management team with experience in the industry and at least one full-time employee working in the position.
- A match between the needs of your company and the resources available within the incubator program and the community.
- Not in direct competition with other incubator clients.
- A product or service that represents a unique technology that can create a competitive advantage.
- No legal claims or lawsuits pending against the business.
- The potential for multiple job creation at wages higher than the county average.
- Plans to locate in surrounding area and stay for at least three (3) years.
For more information about the Digital Media Center and the Incubation Program visit: dmc-works.com
Wednesday Sep 05, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Michael Sawitz, CEO of FastStart.studio
Wednesday Sep 05, 2012
Wednesday Sep 05, 2012
For more information about FastStart.studio visit: faststartstudio.com
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Glenn Hansen
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
Wednesday Aug 29, 2012
Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Tish Squillaro, CEO of Candor
Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
Wednesday Aug 22, 2012
Tish Squillaro CEO
For her book, "Headtrash," to be published in the Fall, CEO and Consultant Tish Squillaro has identified what she views as the seven emotions that muddy the thinking of top executives to the point where they lose control of their ability to lead.
Among these logic inhibitors, says Tish, are Fear, Anxiety, Arrogance, Insecurity, Anger, Guilt, Paranoia and Control. Any one, or a combination of these emotions, Tish says, can cripple an executive and render him or her ineffective.
No wonder Tish's phone often rings in the middle of the night. It is likely to be a CEO asking for advice.
Tish has not earned the moniker "CEO Whisperer" for nothing.
"It's lonely at the top," says Tish. "CEOs and other top executives don't like to admit vulnerability or indecision in the workplace. When they need expert advice their staff often tells them just what they want to hear. My job is to tell them what they should hear, not what pleases them."
As the CEO of CANDOR Consulting (http://www.candor-consulting.com) Tish takes candor to the next level. "Unlike a traditional consulting company," she asserts, "we don’t just offer theory and advice. We collaborate with and immerse ourselves in our client's business. We become more like a partner than a consultant and that allows us freedom to say just what we think." Tish Squillaro, CEO, has more than 17 years experience advising executives in strategic planning, organizational dynamics and human capital allocation. Her progressive vision and adaptive approach to practical application makes her particularly effective in collaborating with senior management. Tish helps clients leverage human capital to drive the success of their business rather than simply support it. Drawing on a wealth of knowledge from a broad range of disciplines, she has particular expertise in change management processes, business strategy development, as well as behavioral and organizational dynamics. Combining sharp problem solving skills with effective mediation abilities, Tish works primarily with CEOs, executive management and boards of directors within organizations at various stages of development, ranging from early entrepreneurial to Fortune 500 companies. Her career spans a variety of sectors, including technology, pharma, construction, manufacturing, life sciences, retail, professional services and media. Before forming CANDOR, she was Co-Managing Partner at Penn Valley Group. Earlier, Tish ran Metis Corporation, a business consultancy, where the client strategies she developed shifted the approach from reactive to a more strategic, proactive approach. Tish also served as an executive for RealTime Media and Director of CLE for Willkie Farr & Gallagher. Her strategies for pointroll, Cadient Group, Johnson Matthey and the Granary Associates, cut costs and liabilities as they improved productivity and efficiency. To learn more about CANDOR, go to candor-consulting.comWednesday Aug 15, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Vak Sambath, FastStart.studio
Wednesday Aug 15, 2012
Wednesday Aug 15, 2012
Want to learn about Crowdfunding? Invite Will Crist (949-355-6013) to speak about it at your organization or meeting.
To learn more about Crowdfunding Bootcamp go to Crowdfunding Bootcamp
To learn more about Crowdfunding Roadmap go to crowdfundingroadmap.com
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: John Driscoll, Executive Producer PHD Labs
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
Wednesday Aug 08, 2012
About PHD Labs |
Wednesday Aug 01, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Debe Fennell, Partner Crowdfunding Live
Wednesday Aug 01, 2012
Wednesday Aug 01, 2012
Want to learn about Crowdfunding? Invite Will Crist (949-355-6013) to speak about it at your organization or meeting.To learn more about Crowdfunding Bootcamp go to Crowdfunding Bootcamp
To learn more about Crowdfunding Roadmap go to crowdfundingroadmap.com
Wednesday Jul 25, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Bruce Rossiter and Andreas Ramos
Wednesday Jul 25, 2012
Wednesday Jul 25, 2012
- Zoom Court: A streamlined, online format, principally where each side is represented by counsel.
- Value Court: A streamlined, online format, principally where each side is notrepresented by counsel, but tells their own story to the neutra arbitrator. Since attorney's fees typically represent up to 90% of the costs of resolution, huge savings are inherent in the Value Court's process.
In both cases, the mutually approved neutral (e.g., retired judge) conducts an investigation and renders a decision. The parties can chose whether the decision is to be binding or not. And the decision can be appealed in traditional court.
Want to learn about Crowdfunding? Invite Will Crist (949-355-6013) to speak about it at your organization or meeting.To learn more about Crowdfunding Bootcamp go toCrowdfunding Bootcamp
To learn more about Crowdfunding Roadmap go to crowdfundingroadmap.com
Wednesday Jul 18, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Scott Miller, CSO of Social123
Wednesday Jul 18, 2012
Wednesday Jul 18, 2012
To learn more about Social123, go to social123.com
Want to learn about Crowdfunding? Invite Will Crist (949-355-6013) to speak about it at your organization or meeting.To learn more about Crowdfunding Bootcamp go toCrowdfunding Bootcamp
To learn more about Crowdfunding Roadmap go to crowdfundingroadmap.com
Wednesday Jul 11, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Ruth Hedges, Founder and CEO of CrowdfundingRoadmap.com
Wednesday Jul 11, 2012
Wednesday Jul 11, 2012
To learn more about Crowdfunding Bootcamp go to Crowdfunding Bootcamp
To learn more about Crowdfunding Roadmap go to crowdfundingroadmap.com
Wednesday Jun 27, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Betsy Chasse - Filmmaker
Wednesday Jun 27, 2012
Wednesday Jun 27, 2012
Betsy Chasse Filmmaker |
Killing Buddha
A Film by Betsy Chasse
To learn more about Betsy Chasse and her projects, go to betsychasse.net
Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Howard Leonhardt - Founder and CEO of CalstockExchange.com
Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
Wednesday Jun 13, 2012
Howard Leonhardt
Founder, Chairman & CEO
Howard Leonhardt is an inventor and serial entrepreneur. He has 21 patents for products for treating cardiovascular and heart disease. These include; cardiovascular balloon catheters, stent grafts for aneurysm repair, percutaneous heart valves, heart pacemakers with stem cell recruiting capabilities, electrical stimulation devices for promoting blood flow, electrical stimulation device for converting stem cells to heart muscle, stem cell compositions for heart repair, stem cell delivery systems, biological pacemakers and artificial lung catheter. His TALENT stent graft developed in the early 1990's holds a leading world market share for repairing aortic aneurysms without surgery. In early 1999 Leonhardt founded Bioheart, Inc. www.bioheartinc.com a leader in applying adult muscle stem cells to treat heart failure. Bioheart has raised over $105 million in paid in capital and additionally $40 million in loans and grants. Bioheart MyoCell is in Phase II/III clinical trials at 33 leading centers in the USA (The MARVEL Study). MARVEL Part I results were published in the American Heart Journal October of 2011 and demonstrated Bioheart MyoCell patients improved 95.7 meters in exercise capacity over placebo patients receiving optimal CHF drugs, whom declined minus 4 meters.- Loss of consumer confidence to buy things.
- Loss of investor confidence to invest.
- Loss of business confidence to buy and hire for growth.
- Loss of bank confidence to make loans to businesses.
- Loss of availability of credit to potential buyers
To learn more about the California Stock Exchange, go to calstockexchange.com
Saturday Jun 09, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Aggie Kobrin
Saturday Jun 09, 2012
Saturday Jun 09, 2012
CrowdFundingLIVE Introduction to Crowdfunding |
Aggie Kobrin Founder Crowdfunding is taking the world by storm, as people seek funding for their passion-driven projects. Yet, more than half of the people who opt for crowdfunding fail to reach their goal by the end of the campaign and walk away with nothing. What's missing is education about crowdfunding, to help people guide their crowdfunding projects to success.
- An overview of crowdfunding including creative, legal and financial aspects by Carl Esposti, and Glenn Weisberger. Esposti is founder of Crowdsourcing.org(www.crowdsourcing.org) and CEO of Massolution, which specializes in crowdsourcing solutions. Weisberger is cofounder of FunderThunder, a crowdfunding site.
- The facts behind the crowdfunding business model and the market.
- Q&A panel with successful fundraisers such as Nick Lewis, who raised $250,000 for his film on Kickstarter and Tiamo De Vettori, who raised $35,000.
- The Next Steps - Marketing Your Website, with Kathy Clark of Internet Dominators.
To learn more about CrowdFunding, go to CrowdFundingLIVE.com
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Shawn Livermore, Founder and CEO of Ziptask
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Wednesday May 30, 2012
Shawn Livermore Founder and CEO
What is Ziptask? |
Wednesday May 02, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Terry Ransom, CEO of Real Practice
Wednesday May 02, 2012
Wednesday May 02, 2012
Carey Ransom, CEO
Wednesday Apr 25, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Nick Payzant, CEO Cerna Homecare
Wednesday Apr 25, 2012
Wednesday Apr 25, 2012
Nick Payzant, CEO
Cerna Homecare
Healthcare is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the U.S., and its future is extremely bright. With approximately 7,000 Americans turning 65 every day, the need for health services and home healthcare is growing exponentially. By 2012, there will be more than 40 million Americans over the age of 65, and over 70 million by the year 2030. By that time, 1 out of 5 people in the U.S. will be potential clients for home healthcare. Cerna Healthcare offers in-home and onsite care, coordinated care and nursing services. Founded in 2008, Cerna is a leading provider of Level II Home Care services, which includes cognitive and physical stimulation for patients that play an important role in recovery for those returning from a hospital stay, have an impairment due to Alzheimer's, Dementia, Parkinson's, and Stroke or suffer from general aging issues. Cerna Healthcare services are available in areas throughout Southern California, San Diego and Dallas. Client support is available 24 hours/day by calling 877-577-6782. For more information, visitwww.cernahealth.com To learn more about Cerna Homecare, go to cernahealth.comWednesday Apr 18, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: David Pensak, Innovation Guru
Wednesday Apr 18, 2012
Wednesday Apr 18, 2012
David Pensak
Author and Innovator
David Pensak is a devout believer in the importance of innovation and thoroughly convinced that we all have the potential to come up with great ideas, which solve important problems. The difficulty is that as we have grown up (and during our professional lives) we have been told over and over that the only right answer is the one, which our teachers or supervisors want. This is a bad situation because it undermines your confidence in your own judgment and makes you defer to authority without questioning it. I'm not by any means advocating insurrection or civil disobedience, rather a set of process which enable you to make sure you are actually solving a relevant problem and that you have come up with one or more solutions which actually solve it. The answer lies in our ability to look at our surroundings like a jigsaw puzzle and our learning to find new and different ways to put the pieces together. It has been claimed that in a typical Sunday newspaper we have as much information as the average person during the Middle Ages encountered during their entire lifetime. The pace of information growth is getting faster and faster. Our brains are at the precipice of getting overwhelmed with quantity, quality handling of information is getting harder and harder. We need to develop and embrace new disciplines of learning and organizing if we are going to go forward. Innovation comes from just three sources - a need, dissatisfaction, or a curiosity. While innovation has many definitions, the one I like best is 'the application of already known information to well defined existing problems'. Invention requires discovering heretofore-unknown facts and properties but innovation does not. Boiled down, innovation is just repurposing what is already known. The crux of the matter is that the information may be known to others but not to you. This means that you have to methodically determine what you don't know as it relates to what you perceive as an opportunity and either research it or find people who already know what you do not. When lumped together you can, and should, go through an iterative process of narrowing down your problem and then generalizing it to make sure you are solving the maximal part of the problem and perhaps a broader one than you had initially considered. Then comes a hard part. Don't leap to a solution. If you do, then you are already throwing away a lot of what you have worked so hard to cobble together. Try and determine what the characteristics of a solution should be - a skeleton, if you will, rather than putting flesh on before the bones. David's undergraduate school was Princeton University and he went to Harvard University for graduate school. Then he spent 30 years at DuPont, retiring in 2004 to teach and write his book. He has taught courses at Wharton Business School and the University of Delaware. He has lectured at major corporations and all over the world. To learn more about David Pensak and Innovation for Underdogs, go to davidpensak.comWednesday Apr 11, 2012
Pilgrim Talks: Abbas Mohaddes, CEO of Iteris
Wednesday Apr 11, 2012
Wednesday Apr 11, 2012
Abbas Mohaddes Director, President, & Chief Executive Officer Abbas Mohaddes has served as the Chief Executive Officer and President since March 2007 and as a director since September 2005. Prior to his promotion in March 2007, Mr. Mohaddes served as the Executive Vice President from October 2004. Mr. Mohaddes was also the President and Chief Executive Officer of Meyer, Mohaddes Associates, Inc. ("MMA"), an ITS and transportation firm that he co-founded, which was acquired by the Iteris in 1998. Abbas is a founding member and currently is chairman of the board of directors of ITS America, the largest ITS trade organization in the world. He is also a fellow member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the Transportation Research Board, a member of Design/Build Institute of America, and a member of the Forum for Corporate Directors (FCD). Abbas has published more than 50 articles for ITS/Transportation engineering and technology around the world, and has become an internationally recognized expert in ITS/traffic management. In 1995, he assisted The Federal Highway Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation in preparing the "Traffic Control Handbook," with more than 100,000 copies now in print. He has received several awards by various trade organizations in recognition of his contribution to the Transportation Engineering and ITS fields. Abbas received his Master's Degree in Transportation Engineering from the University of Nebraska. About Iteris, Inc. Iteris, Inc. is the market leader in providing software-based Information Solutions to the Intelligent Traffic Management Industry. The company's decades of expertise in traffic management, along with superior services and patented products, help detect, measure, and manage traffic and vehicular performance,minimize traffic congestion, and inform and empower Iteris clients with solutions to better manage their transportation networks. The firm is headquartered in Santa Ana, California with offices nationwide and in the Middle East.