Are you ready to give yourself, your leaders, and every employee the opportunity to live the ideal life? In this conversation, you will hear how Entrepreneurs and their leadership teams are creating the possibility for everyone in the organization to thrive. Attract great people to your organization, retain your best people, and increase the motivation of everyone by committing to living and advocating everyone take the journey to a thriving EOS life where everyone is doing what they love with people they love, making a great contribution, being compensated appropriately, and having plenty of time for their families and other passions. If these conversations resonate with you and you want to participate in the discussion, you can catch me on LinkedIn or on my Website willcrist.com

Friday Nov 04, 2022
The EOS Life
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
In this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist is joined by Benjamin Berman, an Expert EOS Implementor. The two share a wealth of experience with EOS and have helped countless individuals and organizations live their ideal EOS Life. Throughout the episode, Will and Benjamin recount several success stories from their careers and discuss how EOS can help YOU live your ideal life.
Show Notes
(1:01) Introducing Benjamin Berman
(3:10) EOS Success Stories
(17:03) Effective EOS Tools
(23:08) Telling the Story within the Story
(24:59) Common Stories of Success
(40:11) Closing Thoughts
“It’s impossible to be mindful when you’re putting in eighty hours a week or seventy hours a week like so many of those frustrated entrepreneurs we know.” - Benjamin Berman, (10:42)
“Without that central map to guide the internal processes, and without the marketing and the sales materials tying back to that journey and that central map that says ‘this is our central source of truth of what’s happening,’ you’re really missing an opportunity to get people aligned, get people interested, and get people fully through, over and over again.” - Benjamin Berman, (21:33)
“Yes, profit is important. Yes, getting a return on a shareholder investment is important. The best way to do that is to pay attention to the relationships, to the community, to what people want and how they want to go about it, and to have great management, great bosses all the way down. And when we do that, we’re changing the way that businesses run today.” - Will Crist, (30:34)
“If you look at us and watch us walk around—those who are living the EOS Life and those who are helping others live the EOS Life—we just can’t stop smiling.” - Benjamin Berman, (38:00)

Friday Aug 26, 2022
The Importance of Proper Employee Compensation
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with Alex Freytag, an expert EOS Implementor. Alex is also the author of Profit Works, a book that unravels the complexity of incentive plans in order to increase employee productivity, cultivate an engaged workforce, and maximize company potential. Throughout the episode, Will and Alex discuss his EOS journey and the importance of properly compensating employees.
(1:13) Introduction to Alex
(1:43) Alex’s EOS Journey
(7:40) The Benefit of Employee Compensation
(10:48) How Pressure Impacts Performance
(13:19) Human Reactions to Being Rewarded
(18:19) We First vs. Me First
(21:18) Identifying Effective Incentives
(25:48) Incentive Plans with Company-wide Input
(30:53) About Profit Works
(32:49) Utilizing People as Assets
(34:09) Purpose of Profit Works
(38:27) Quality Relationships in the Workplace
(42:52) Closing Thoughts
“Well and that really is what we as EOS implementers aim at isn’t it, it’s to really help businesses thrive.” - Will Crist, (5:54)
“So if we talk about employee retention and you talk about attraction and best places to work, the companies that are able to balance those rewards, their workforce is the one that tends to be the most successful from a profitability standpoint and from a growth standpoint.” - Alex Freytag, (8:32)
“The amount of pressure in an organization is directly correlated to performance, and so companies that don’t apply any pressure in the organization, no standards of performance, no expectation, no core values, no measurables, no scorecards, no 10-year target, and so forth, tend to have lower levels of performance than the companies that turn that dial up on those expectations…” - Alex Freytag, (11:47)
“...pick a minimum threshold of profit that the company has to reach before the incentive plan kicks in and then arm your workforce with tools and training and resources to actively find the money to incremental profit dollars over that threshold.” - Alex Freytag, (24:26)

Friday Jul 29, 2022
Challenges That Law Firms Can Overcome with EOS
Friday Jul 29, 2022
Friday Jul 29, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with John Nachezel, an integrator of EOS for Mike Morse Law Firm, who has almost 14 years of experience implementing EOS practices. John was brought into the Mike Morse Law Firm all those years ago to help instill structure and cohesiveness to lay the foundation for scalability. Throughout the episode, Will and John discuss how to help law firms become the best they can be, how to get those law firms partners, and how to help them get what they want from their law firm.
(0:49) Introduction to John Nachezel
(3:07) Challenges That Law Firms Can Overcome
(4:25) Reconciling Ownership with the EOS System
(7:00) Logistics of the Mike Morse Law Firm
(10:43) An Integrators Approach vs. A Lawyers
(14:20) John Living the EOS Life
(20:44) Employees Living the EOS Life
(22:55) Advice for Law Firms Wondering about EOS
(24:14) Closing Thoughts
“So, if you’re an owner, that’s fantastic and you can sit in the owner’s box and you can have your own meetings and talk about owner’s things, but make no mistake, when you are in the business and you are wearing that hat and sitting in that seat, that you’re not the owner, you’re an employee, and that is completely separate and distinct from the other.” - John Nachezel, (4:50)
“...the only way you will grow is chaotically and then you hit a ceiling. You’ll hit a cap, you’ll burn out…because the chaos can only take you so far. And it’s ‘I don't have time to incorporate the principles that EOS teaches,’ but that’s the way you get time is by incorporating those principles.” - John Nachazel, (22:55)
“...it’s actually a very freeing thing. It’s not a stifling thing to have structure, and that structure and discipline is what allows you to unlock your creativity and allows you to be on offense delivering punches to the opposition…it frees you to be your best” - John Nachazel, (23:48)

Friday Jul 15, 2022
Helping Every Employee Live the EOS Life with Eric Lindsley of Knight Watch
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
In this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist is joined by Eric Lindsley, CEO of Knight Watch, a business that helps make buildings more secure, comfortable, and energy efficient. Eric and Knight Watch have been an EOS company for quite some time now, and he is known to his friends as an EOS Purist because of his commitment to living the EOS Life. Throughout the episode, Will and Eric discuss Knight Watch’s EOS journey, why every employee needs to live the EOS Life, trusting your team to make the right decisions, and much more!
Thanks for tuning in!
Show Notes
(0:50) Introducing Eric Lindsley and Knight Watch
(2:59) Knight Watch’s EOS Journey
(9:22) Why Everyone in the Company Needs the EOS Life
(16:58) Does the Great Resignation Affect EOS Companies?
(22:44) Creating Consistency
(24:36) The Decision Card
(27:48) Trusting Your Team
(30:48) Closing Thoughts
“About a year and a half [into EOS], I was working about five days a week, maybe even four. But you know, a very easy to maintain schedule. The stress level in the company came way down. The happiness level was good—I look forward to going in, especially for my weekly EOS meeting…” Eric Lindsley, (5:50)
“This last quarter…[we did] more in book sales per quarter than we did the entire year of 2018.” Eric Lindsley, (7:21)
“It can’t just be myself or the leadership team, but throughout the company, there has to be space. And that’s the nice thing about EOS and the EOS Life is it gives you space.” Eric Lindsley, (11:42)
“The nice thing that happens though, is when you lose people that don’t have your values, it opens up space for the right person to come in.” Eric Lindsley, (17:51)
“The more I involve myself with things that are really not for me to be involved in, all I’m doing is communicating…[that] I don’t trust you to make that decision. If you have to get involved in every process, what you’re saying is, ‘I don’t trust you.’” Eric Lindsley, (28:53)

Friday Jul 01, 2022
EOS Turns Clients into Life-Long Friends
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist sat down with Ed Callahan, one of the early adopters of EOS who has been with the program for more than thirteen years. Ed even helped Will himself become involved in EOS. Though he has now earned emeritus status, Ed’s life has been and continues to be impacted by his time helping others live their best EOS life. Throughout the episode, Will and Ed discussed life before EOS, clients and their unique stories, and advice to all implementers.
Thanks for tuning in!
Show Notes:
(0:39) Introduction
(1:15) Life before EOS
(11:10) Client Stories
(20:30) EOS Life
(39:48) Advice to All Implementers
“I think that's a message to anybody listening…The clients you work with will become friends for life.” Ed Callahan, (16:46)
“EOS and its tools got [my clients] through this really difficult time at the front end and they swear by it.” Ed Callahan, (20:07)
“...EOS life has really been extraordinarily beneficial to me. You know, I'm an empty nester for a long time. Now I've got five grandchildren. So traveling to see those kids, traveling with my wife—it’s what we love to do.” Ed Callahan, (25:32)
“...Then and now, people rarely blink once they understand the value when they hear your fee.” Ed Callahan, (29:11)

Friday Jun 24, 2022
Entrepreneur Roundtable
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
On this roundtable discussion episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist sat down with a panel of guests, from entrepreneurs to college students, to discuss important topics in the world of entrepreneurship. Varying from a few months to a few years, these guests used their personal experiences to discuss important topics such as delegation, conflicts, the future of entrepreneurship, and much more.
Thanks for tuning in!
Show Notes:
(1:38) Introductions
(15:51) The Importance of Delegating
(29:11) Why Do Conflicts Arise?
(32:48) Everyone Has to Be on the Same Page
(38:53) Questions From the Students
“...This grip that the business has on the leadership can often be the largest obstacle to growth.” Will Crist, (16:17)
“As soon as I start delegating, actually business at that point started to pick up” Slava Khristich, (20:40)
“I try to figure out the ‘why’ of all my customers, what's driving them, and then try to figure out the best goals for them to reach their ‘why.’” James Cliame, (26:22)
“You don't create a position for people, you create positions, then fill up with the people.” Slava Khristich, (34:08)

Friday Jun 10, 2022
Working Smarter, Not Harder with the EOS Life
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist sat down with Jim Coyle, an expert EOS Implementer. Jim has hosted about 700 EOS sessions to earn his title and is genuinely passionate about the work that he does with businesses. Jim truly believes in working smarter instead of harder, and he personally embodies the EOS Life in order to inspire and help others to do the same. Throughout the episode, Will and Jim discussed what life is like as an EOS Implementer and the impact of the EOS Life on clients.
Thanks for tuning in!
Show Notes:
(1:00) Experience Transitioning to EOS Life
(4:29) Vacation Time
(6:11) Delegating Helps Others Shine
(11:26) Life as an EOS Expert
(14:23) Taking EOS Life Seriously
(17:01) EOS Life for All
(18:34) Creating Context for the EOS Life
(25:11) Impact on Clients
“I think one of the reasons I became a coach within the community is because…I didn't want people to struggle at the same level I did. Maybe I could help them to have less of that…but as I got through that struggle, I started to see that, wow, I was really bringing some beauty into the world, making a big impact.” Jim Coyle, (2:35)
“...There was a whole system that we had to set up and so it took a little bit of work, but it was well worth it for sure.” Jim Coyle, (5:27)
“....I think that a lot of times we, as entrepreneurs, set up a culture [where] we are the center of the universe that is the business. And that ultimately can cause a lot of problems for the business because everything then has to go through you because that's what you designed. I don't think that entrepreneurs realize they designed it that way, and then they whine about it...I do see that they cause their own pain.” Jim Coyle, (5:39)
“When people bring their full self to a company, [that] is when you get the full value from the individual.” Jim Coyle, (22:55)
“...I think that when we are the same person in all aspects of our lives…that's when we can really bring real value and love…to the world. I think that when we're putting energy into creating other personas, that doesn't work, and I do think the EOS Life helps with that.“ Jim Coyle, (23:07)

Friday Jun 03, 2022
How EOS Companies Deal With Supply Chain Logistics
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with Mike Ryan, a managing partner of The M. Ryan Group, which has 25 plus years of experience serving Fortune 500 middle market businesses by helping them create results through supply chain and operations optimization. Mike truly enjoys helping businesses figure out how to unfreeze their cash that is stuck in a proverbial “iceberg of inventory.” Throughout the episode, Will and Mike discuss how to crush the inventory iceberg, how to harvest cash from their inventory, and supply chain logistics.
(1:21) Introduction to Mike Ryan
(2:28) Lead Times in Supply Chain
(5:38) How EOS Companies Deal With Supply Chain Logistics
(10:13) EOS Mentality and Delegation
(14:01) Living the EOS Life
(20:14) Issues with Inventory
(22:14) Just in Time Movement
(28:49) Bringing Companies Back to the United States
(30:52) Closing Thoughts
“It’s figuring out how do we look a little bit further down the road to understand what we have and what we don’t have so we can proactively plan around it.” - Mike Ryan, (2:19)
“If a business is running on EOS, they’ve got a process, they’ve got people, and most importantly, their accountability is defined…the results are going to be not as favorable and not as sustainable as a business that has people, process, and technology running in a framework like EOS.” - Mike Ryan, (5:54)
“...what I find so exciting is when people get clear about what their ten-year target, three-year picture, or one-year plan is. When they get clear about that…they can begin to compartmentalize the journey that they have rather than trying to do it all at once or carrying all that imagination.” - Mike Ryan, (11:38)
“When the predictability and repeatability goes out of the supply chain, the ability to do ‘just in time’ goes away with it.” - Mike Ryan, (23:27)

Friday May 27, 2022
Helping People Reach Their Full Potential through EOS
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with Julie Markee, a life-long entrepreneur with 25 years of experience helping businesses improve effectiveness. Julie started her business about 11 years ago helping companies streamline processes and increase profitability. However, over time, she realized her true passion was helping people achieve their full potential. That’s when she discovered EOS and realized it was a great way to utilize her engineering background and help owners get more out of their business. Throughout the episode, Will and Julie discussed her journey and some of her client’s journeys.
Show Notes:
(0:39) Introducing Julie Markee and Her EOS Life
(5:42) How the EOS Life Impacts Julie’s Clients
(9:24) Sharing the EOS Life with Every Employee
(17:16) Core Values
(24:27) Julie’s EOS Practice
(26:03) Connect with Julie and Closing Thoughts
“It’s just going to take off when we really start to talk about what it means to live a very fulfilling life in a way where we are using our unique abilities…we’re just fired up and excited to make our contribution to society.” Julie Markee, (8:44)
“...one of the things that makes an EOS company work so well is because the goal is a hundred percent of the right people, people who live with those core values most of the time.” Will Crist, (15:27)

Friday May 20, 2022
Building Community with EOS
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with Nathen Fox, a certified EOS implementer. Before hearing about the EOS Life, Nathen was a fractional executive who worked with anywhere from three to five companies at a time. He worked 60-hour weeks and was not being compensated correctly for the amount of work he was doing. Although he liked his job, Nathen realized something had to change and he soon began to embrace the EOS Life and help others do the same. Throughout the episode, Will and Nathen discussed how EOS has affected Nathen, his clients, and the people around them.
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:53) Introducing Nathen Fox
(1:14) How EOS Life Affects Nathen as an Implementer
(8:46) EOS Life and Clients
(18:49) Helping and Encouraging the EOS Life
(21:28) What’s in It for Me?
(38:11) Closing Thoughts
“...Do things that…fill your energy, bring you energy, bring you joy. And you know, when you're done, you should have more energy. And that's how I feel.” Nathen Fox, (4:09)
“My challenge is making time for other passions…We just had our quarterly meeting today with our team. And that was on the issues list is me protecting my time and making time for other passions. So we're making that happen.” Nathen Fox, (6:33)
“[The visionaries are] working on delegating the things that they like to do and are good at, so they can spend a hundred percent of their time in the box of things they love to do and are great at.” Nathen Fox, (9:44)
“We really were brought up to work hard and that'll take care of everything, but, that's not the case. They really got to learn to not work as hard.” Nathen Fox, (14:55)
“I just believe in implementing EOS purely and making sure that companies stick to it and create that result quarter after quarter.” Nathen Fox, (39:15)

Friday May 13, 2022
Making Music Easier for Creators
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with Alex Kochetkov, the founder of Mubert, a musical platform that generates music with the power of AI. Although Mubert is Alex’s first startup, his determination and experience have helped him grow a successful startup quickly. The idea for Mubert came while Alex was on a run and became frustrated with finding the right music to accompany him. He came up with a solution, gathered a small team, and got to work making better music choices available to himself and others. Throughout the episode, Will and Alex discussed how Mubert works, the short and long term goals for the company, and obstacles that Alex and his team have encountered along the way.
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:50) All about Mubert
(2:22) Getting Started
(5:10) Obstacles in Building Mubert
(9:08) 10-Year Target
(12:30) Working Worldwide for Mubert
(21:32) Creating and Implementing the Product Roadmap
(22:53) Mubert Meetings
(24:41) The Future of the Company
“It's super difficult to choose the tracks to run [to]...And it was so annoying for me. And I decided to create something that will help me to run and not to think about music.” Alex Kochetkov, (2:57)
“It helps people just not to think about music. So we should make the music the commodity.” Alex Kochetkov, (9:58)
“When you have the opportunity to work with your team in the evening…and to spend some time on these inspiring talks, when you talk not about your product, not about your current situation, but about the future of your product, that's the most inspiring thing.” Alex Kochetkov, (20:38)
“...Mubert is the product that [content creators] can use. We have free plans, they can use Mubert to create the ideas that inspire them…which will never have these problems with copyrights…and to create something cool.” Alex Kochetkov, (27:33)

Friday May 06, 2022
Taking the Burden off the Founder with EOS
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist sat down with Deam Roys, the founder of Roys and Associates, a retained executive recruiting firm that connects talented people with jobs and helps companies retain those people. After informally running his business on EOS, Deam realized the value of this system as he started learning more about it. Eventually, he transitioned to using it with his business and telling other clients about it as well. Throughout the episode, Will and Deam discussed why entrepreneurs might be hesitant to adopt EOS and how the benefits of using EOS outweigh their doubts.
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:40) Introduction to Deam Roys
(1:37) Staffing Trends
(2:24) Deam’s Relationship with EOS
(3:19) How Does EOS Change Companies?
(4:38) Entrepreneurs Are Getting in Their Own Way
(13:57) Figuring Out How to Balance
(16:43) EOS Life
(29:10) The Importance of Flexibility
(34:28) Contact Deam
“...I think the biggest change I see is that they're just a lot happier with not only their work life, but their personal life.” Deam Roys, (3:26)
“With EOS, not only does it help kind of give them a structure to align things a little bit better in their business, but it also gives them time for their own personal life at home, which I think a lot of them going into it don't realize is imbalanced.” Deam Roys (3:48)
“I think that I would imagine many of these visionaries after going through EOS…must ask themselves what took them so long. How many years of their life that they lost not being able to spend their life doing the things that they really love. You know, why did it take them this long to get around to all this?” Deam Roys, (13:21)
“Half the battle, I think, is from the founder or visionary standpoint, trying to figure out what they're not good at, you know? Because they kind of think they're decent at doing everything and obviously they’re better at doing some things than others. But being able to admit that, ‘Hey, I'm not really that good at doing this and it'd be better for me to hire somebody to do this for me that's actually good at it.’ Just admitting that and going through that process alone is half the battle.” Deam Roys, (20:01)
“We help them basically take the chains of entrepreneurial-ism off and help them really start living their life and enjoying their life.” Deam Roys, (35:07)

Friday Apr 29, 2022
How EOS Has Changed the Law Firm
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
In this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist talked with Michael Morse, the owner and founder of the largest law firm in Michigan. Michael started his law firm over 25 years ago, and he ran the law firm with no business background whatsoever. After 15 years in the practice, Michael realized he needed help, and his firm became the first law firm to adopt the EOS model. The firm now thrives and even mentors other firms through their Fireproof program which is adapted for law firms. Throughout the episode, Will and Michael discussed how EOS has changed the firm and its employees for the better and how other law firms can do the same.
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:55) Introductions
(4:00) How EOS Has Changed the Law Firm
(8:31) For Implementers: Getting the Attention of Senior Law Firms
(11:22) What Would a Law Firm Principal Need to Hear?
(14:30) Making the World a Better Place
(16:02) How EOS Can Change You Personally
(19:12) Delegate and Elevate
(37:17) Working Remotely
(44:55) Get in Touch with Michael
“I mean every business concept that I now know pretty darn well now, after all this time, I learned from him and EOS…it transformed me in a very short period of time to a very robust law firm with good business practices, good core values, good everything… I couldn't have done it without everything that I've learned throughout this process.” Michael Morse, (5:56)
”...We've worked with over 30 law firms individually…and their eyes are huge when they learn some of these concepts that they should be doing to run a really good law firm, because the traditional way to look at this is: law firms are not businesses, they are law firms…so it is fertile ground for implementers to go out there…and teach them. And that's what we're trying to do is spread the gospel and teach them how to run a really good business.” Michael Morse, (10:43)
”I think most law firm owners are doing too much. They're hitting the ceiling. They're not working in their sweet spots. They're not enjoying life…They don't know how to delegate. They don't know their numbers…you can ask a few questions and prove that they're hitting the ceiling…[I ask], what if I could teach you a way that you could work on all day everyday things that you're great at doing and that you love to do? Would you like to hear more about that? Who's going to say no to that?” Michael Morse, (11:41)
”I think that learning the things that we've learned and making a difference in our law firm is definitely spreading and making the world a better place.” Michael Morse, (15:51)
”If you do embrace this…as a business lifestyle, it really does work. It's not pie in the sky. It's take some time. It's not overnight. You don't read the book and wake up and you're living these five things. Absolutely not. It’s taken me 15 years…but it definitely works.” Michael Morse, (33:36)

Friday Apr 22, 2022
Integrators: An Integral Part of YOUR Leadership Team
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
In this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, Jason Prentice and Jon Dornbos join Will Crist to discuss Jason’s business Outcomes COO. Jason founded Outcomes because he saw a need for integrators that could help visionaries reach their dreams. Now, the company utilizes fractional integrators to help entrepreneurs from across the country accomplish their lofty goals through the EOS Model. Throughout the episode, the trio discusses fractional integrators, how integrators help visionaries, the EOS Life, and much more!
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:27) Introducing Jason Prentice, Jon Dornbos, and Outcomes COO
(2:14) The Integrator and the Visionary
(6:30) Jon’s Background
(9:44) How Integrators Help Visionaries
(18:28) Fractional Integrators
(21:45) The EOS Draw
(25:31) EOS Successes
(29:35) Integrators vs. Implementors
(32:05) The EOS Life
(39:22) Changing the World through EOS
(42:46) Closing Thoughts
“I saw a real need for entrepreneurial visionaries to get expert help and experienced help at the integrator level.” Jason Prentice, (0:55)
“The integrator is not somebody who’s supposed to be telling people what to do. This is not the expert in manufacturing or finance or in sales. The integrator is the one who helps those experts on the leadership team who have the responsibility for those various departments. But the integrator helps the whole team work together harmoniously to achieve the vision.” Will Crist, (2:31)
“I’m a little non-traditional in that I’m not a big fan of telling visionaries ‘No.’ I know that that’s something that has to be done, and we can’t let our companies be chaos, but there’s a way to harness all that energy in a way that still keeps the energy going.” Jason Prentice, (13:35)
“I really believe in the system, and it’s just fun to get better and better and better at it. Each experience, each organization, each relationship that gets developed along the way is meaningful and has purpose.” Jon Dornbos, (32:48)

Friday Apr 15, 2022
Be a Workplace Where People Flourish
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
In this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist sits down with Eric Hinson, CEO of Explainify. Eric founded Explainify 10 years ago and never looked back! After reading Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business, Eric attempted to DIY his way through implementing EOS at Explainify, but he ultimately decided to work with Will Crist to get the best results. Throughout the episode, Will and Eric discuss how EOS has helped Explainify, the future of video, Eric’s new company Parable, and much more!
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:23) Introducing Eric Hinson and Explainify
(4:34) How the EOS Life Has Impacted Eric
(11:42) Highlights at Explainify
(13:39) The Future of Video
(16:18) What It’s Like to Work with Explainify
(19:33) How Eric Became an Animator
(23:39) Introducing Parable
(30:12) Implementing EOS with Parable
(31:38) Closing Thoughts
“[Before EOS], I think I clearly knew what I wanted inside, but like most visionaries, it was in my head. I couldn’t simplify it. I couldn’t get it organized on one sheet, and it was a little bit of a struggle.” Eric Hinson, (3:12)
“Explainify’s running smoothly because I have an integrator [and] I have a leadership team, and I’m able to focus on [Parable] right now.” Eric Hinson, (30:06)
“[With Parable], we’re already talking EOS language. We’re already building it around that operational model. Even with just two or three people, it’s going to be built around that because it’s been so helpful and I’d like to start from the beginning rather than do it later.” Eric Hinson, (31:21)

Friday Apr 01, 2022
Fixing the Root Cause of Business Problems
Friday Apr 01, 2022
Friday Apr 01, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist sits down with Wendy O’Donovan Phillips, Founder and CEO of Big Buzz Inc. Wendy founded the marketing agency 15 years ago as a one-woman team, and she’s grown her business substantially in the time since. Today, she and her team are working on plans to franchise the agency, and they will have ten franchised locations by 2032. Throughout the episode, Will and Wendy discuss Big Buzz’s big plans, trusting your team, and several other core principles of EOS.
(0:59) Introducing Wendy O’Donovan Phillips and Big Buzz
(4:15) Integrating EOS into Your Business Plan
(9:35) Challenging Your Business and Taking Risks
(16:39) Making Long-term Goals Attainable
(19:31) Trusting Your Team
(28:09) Big Buzz’s 10-Year Plan
(32:15) EOS Impacts EVERYONE in Your Business
(43:12) Employees Want to Work for EOS Implemented Businesses
(45:14) Closing Thoughts
“I find that the best working relationships, whether it’s with a team member or a client—any professional relationship—the best ones are where we’re open and willing and honest and vulnerable.” (7:55) - Wendy O’Donovan Phillips
“I think one of the most helpful things to me throughout [implementing EOS is] I now see so much more clearly what terrific ideas there are on the team that aren’t my ideas.” (19:31) - Wendy O’Donovan Phillips
“What I have learned is that the more infrastructure, the more of the right people, the more revenue and profit that we gain, the more fun it is, the more financially free we all are, and the more opportunity there is for everyone. And so my vision for this is to create a ripple effect.” (39:24) - Wendy O’Donovan Phillips

Friday Mar 25, 2022
Entrepreneurship IS All Fun & Games!
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist sits down with Josh Abbott, General Manager of Fun Productions. Josh’s parents founded Fun Productions nearly 30 years ago and grew it into the successful business it is today. Almost five years ago, Fun Productions implemented EOS and quickly experienced many of the benefits that come with the EOS Life. Throughout the episode, Will and Josh discuss the EOS Life, having fun at work, and much more!
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:28) Introducing Josh Abbott and Fun Productions
(3:48) How EOS Affected the Business
(9:43) The EOS Life
(12:58) The Great Contribution
(16:27) Compensating Appropriately
(20:50) Supporting Employees’ Passions
(25:24) Making Your Business Attractive to Talent
(31:59) EOS Predictions
(35:39) Getting Permission to Have Fun with Your Company
(42:42) Closing Thoughts
“We were able to start working on the business and not just in the business, whereas I think pre-EOS we were very reactionary.” (6:07) - Josh Abbott
“For a very long time, [we waited] for people to ask for raises, and if they asked for a raise [we would] assess and give them a raise. But what we found was there were folks out there who are not going to ask for a raise, and they may start to feel resentment around the fact that they haven’t been offered a raise.” (16:42) - Josh Abbott
“We put out ads for one [open position]—we were just looking for one person last year. And I think we ended up turning [the ad off] after we got 35 applications in four days.” (29:24) - Josh Abbott

Friday Mar 18, 2022
Leading Your Team to Success Instead of Burnout
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, host Will Crist sits down with Derek Gerber, Senior Vice President of Explainify. Over the last year, Derek has been implementing the EOS system at Explainify, and the results have been nothing short of impressive. Their discussion covers the changing video landscape, the EOS Life, and how EOS has affected Explainify.
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:37) Introducing Derek Gerber and Explainify
(3:38) How Video Has Changed during the Pandemic
(11:19) The EOS Life and Explainify
(18:01) How Explanify Is Making the World a Better Place
(21:04) Appropriate Compensation
(22:23) Derek’s Other Passions
(24:12) Implementing EOS at Explainify
(30:00) Value, Compensation, and Viewing Employees as Human Beings
(43:10) Closing Thoughts
“After implementing EOS over the past year, we continue to grow. It has onboarded our team members in a much more effective way, and then it also shows them that burnout is not a celebrated, award-winning opportunity here. We don’t do that. We work to openly communicate and create transparency and trust across each department.” (17:18) - Derek Gerber
“A year ago, when we were growing quickly at a state of point, we put out a couple of job applications. We had four applicants over six weeks—at a time where we needed to hire people very quickly. Now, [after implementing EOS] we had 600 applications in four days, and we had to shut it down.” (41:40) - Derek Gerber

Friday Mar 11, 2022
Negotiations Are like Relationships
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
In this episode of Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way, Will Crist sits down with Christine McKay, CEO of Venn Negotiation. Christine is one of the world's best negotiators, and her resume speaks for itself. She’s helped nearly half of the Fortune 500 companies as well as several hundred small and mid-sized businesses. Together, Christine and Will discuss negotiating in today’s world, embracing emotions to improve negotiation skills, and changing the world with the EOS model.
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:19) Introducing Christine McKay, Venn Negotiation
(1:21) What’s Happening in the World of Negotiation?
(4:47) Seeing Others’ Humanity during Negotiations
(11:10) Scarcity vs. Abundance
(19:19) Don’t Be Afraid of Emotions!
(26:34) Freedom Starts with ‘No’
(31:25) EOS Can Change the World
(45:29) Closing Thoughts
“If we don’t create an environment that allows us to have hard conversations about the state of our relationship in business—or even in our personal lives—then at the end of the day, we’re not going to be successful.” (3:36) - Christine McKay
“We’ve created a culture where the fear of loss is greater than the hope for gain. How sad is that when there’s so much gain that we can hope for, when there’s so many possibilities.” (18:33) - Christine McKay
“What do you think it would be like if, by the time we hit our ten-year target, you had 100% of the people in this organization living the EOS life or have a path to it? What do you think that would do for the attraction of new people, retention of your best people, and motivation for everybody?” (39:13) - Will Crist
“Making money is not the most important thing. That has brought us to our knees, and we’re struggling with that.” (46:15) - Will Crist
“Negotiation is a conversation. It’s a conversation about your relationships, and you can’t win relationships. So, stop trying to win them—work on building them and growing them…Create that space that allows not only for you to grow, but for your counterparts to grow too.” (47:25) - Christine McKay

Friday Feb 25, 2022
Run Your Business Without Ruining Your Life
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
On this week’s episode of Where There’s a Will There’s a Way, Will Crist sits down with Dawn Abbot to discuss EOS implementation. Dawn is an entrepreneur, business owner, and Professional EOS Implementer, and she is passionate about helping small businesses become the best version of themselves. The duo discusses all five elements of the EOS Life, Dawn’s entrepreneurial journey, and why they think EOS has the power to change the world.
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:31) Introducing Dawn Abbott and Her EOS Journey
(4:47) Dawn’s Experience as an EOS Implementer
(6:10) Prioritizing Employees
(17:13) Living with Purpose/Defining Your Why
(21:00) Appropriate Compensation/Providing Value
(25:30) Supporting Employees’ Passions
(29:39) Changing the World with EOS
(36:24) Closing Thoughts
“When I was in a place where I didn’t know that I could run this business by myself, what actually happened from 2017 to 2019 was a 30% revenue increase and a 260% net profit increase. And it was all because of the EOS process.” (4:15) - Dawn Abbott
“I love seeing the impact that EOS has. I love small-business owners…and I am saddened when they’re on that treadmill that I once ran.” (5:04) - Dawn Abbott
“If [employees are] the most valuable assets, why would we ever want them to be less than? Why would we ever want to not take care of them?” (8:30) - Dawn Abbott
“When you’re doing what you love and things that come easily and naturally to you, your energy is high and your production and output is crazy because you’re in your zone. And the minute you have to drop down and do things that you don’t like doing, you can never bring your energy back up that day.” (12:54) - Dawn Abbott
“It’s a beautiful thing to be able to have a full, rich life that contains more than just the grind.” (38:06) - Dawn Abbott

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Lose Your Inefficiencies, Not Your Mind
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
In this episode of Where There’s a Will There’s a Way, Lauren Carson joins host and EOS Implementor Will Crist to discuss how EOS radically transformed her business. Lauren is the Founder and CEO of Kinect Solar, which sells solar energy equipment on the excess market––in simple terms, it is the TJ Maxx of solar-power equipment. In their conversation, they cover delegating and elevating, living the EOS life, hiring the right people, contributing to the world around them, appropriately compensating employees, and much more. Check it out!
(0:27) Introducing Lauren Carson and Kinect Solar
(1:40) Kinect Solar and EOS
(3:40) Delegate and Elevate
(5:46) The EOS Life
(8:41) Hiring the Right Team/Core Values
(11:45) Making a Great Contribution
(17:25) Appropriate Compensation
(19:07) Celebrating Employees’ Lives Outside of Work
(24:08) What’s Next for Kinect Solar?
(27:01) Closing Thoughts
“For the first couple of years starting the company, I had my hands in sales, I had my hands in procurement operations, customer service, and finance. While the company was doing well, I was literally losing my mind…I can say unequivocally that we would not be where we are today if we hadn’t found the EOS system.” (1:50) - Lauren Carson
“Everybody spends the majority of their waking hours at the office. So, that cultural environment that you can set in the office and how people treat each other really affects everybody’s lives, and they take it home to their families and everything else they do.” (6:32) - Lauren Carson
“The core values for us [have been] so powerful as far as setting the tone for the company.” (10:27) - Lauren Carson
“The first year, we had a banner year. The numbers were really, really good, but I found myself feeling really empty and probably more depressed than I’ve ever been. It was because that purpose wasn’t there. I thought it was financial for so long, and now I know it’s not.” (14:27) - Lauren Carson
“I’m a firm believer that entrepreneurs and business owners have the ability to change the world…We have so many challenges and problems right now, and they can all be tackled by doing things differently.” (15:02) - Lauren Carson
“We’ve set up an employee stock option plan so that everybody in the company shares in the company’s success–down to the most entry-level person and all the way up to the top.” (18:46) - Lauren Carson

Friday Feb 11, 2022
Growing Your Business Without the Pains with James Waite
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
On this episode of Where There’s a Will There’s a Way, James Waite joins host Will Crist to discuss the transformative effects that EOS implementation had on his business. James is the Integrator at Roberson Waite, an industrial electrical construction company that builds substations for utility companies and other markets.
Will began working with James and the rest of the Roberson Waite team nearly four years ago, and the business experienced considerable change. Throughout the podcast, James outlines several growth areas where his team improved once they began implementing the EOS model.
Thanks for tuning in!
(0:13) Welcoming James Waite
(2:27) Roberson Waite Prior to EOS
(5:08) Profits, Revenue, Hitting a Ceiling, and Being Owned by the Business
(12:21) Convincing James’s Partners EOS Was Right for Them
(15:45) Roberson Waite after EOS
(20:31) Performance Changes
(22:22) EOS’s Effects on Profits
(26:23) Being in Control of Your Business
(29:51) The Process of Change
(33:41) Closing Thoughts
“There’s a lot of growing pains involved when you expand, and you don’t have a clear, concise plan, and you don’t have roles and responsibilities clarified. You don’t have clear agreements on who’s doing what.” (3:17) - James Waite
“I was told by a really smart man that if two people are responsible for something, then nobody is, and [prior to working with Will] we had many people responsible for many things, which led to me calling the business a slow-moving train.” (3:39) - James Waite
“I took over one of the departments in 2018 I believe. We had 20 people in that department, and in the first two weeks, I fired nine of them. They weren’t bad guys; I really liked all those guys. It just wasn’t the right fit. They didn’t have a heavy focus on [our core values].” (4:21) - James Waite
“We have less drama at 114 employees using the EOS model than we did when we had 13 employees.” (5:00) - James Waite
“We were capped out around $4-5 million … I think we were at that revenue point when we met [Will]. I think the reality for us is we didn’t know how to break through and grow properly.” (7:48) - James Waite
“Probably the number one thing that really changed our company is moving beyond [the JAT] model and teaching people to be leaders. Teaching people to be self-sufficient and understand their job, and having the right people in the right places that can make decisions. If they can’t they seek help. They come to you for your support.” (15:20) - James Waite
“I think that’s one of the big changes––we know where we’re heading. We can see it out on the horizon. We never had that before. We didn’t have a real trajectory. We had a general idea of what that could be, but now [because of EOS] we’ve got a target and we’re moving towards it. If it doesn’t work, we modify it, we adapt, and we adjust.” (17:45) - James Waite
“We can actually gauge and predict profit a lot. We can forecast a lot more than we could before [utilizing EOS] and a lot more effectively than we could before.” (22:28) - James Waite

Friday Feb 04, 2022
Where There’s a Will There’s a Way with Will Crist
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022

Friday Jan 21, 2022
Juilo Monzon, Monetizemore
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Julio is the President and COO of Monetizemore - a remote first ad tech company that has run their team 100% remotely since 2010. Monetizemore has recently been named one of the fastest growing companies in Canada for 2020 and 2021 and Julio credits this to their company culture, team trust, and development as a remote company.

Monday Dec 13, 2021
Brent Stone, Entrepreneur
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Brent Stone has achieved phenomenal success across multiple industries in his 20s and early 30s. At age 19, he became one of the youngest people to reach an impressive level of achievement in the top 1% of one of the largest network marketing companies in the world after 18 short months. In addition, Brent was later at the top of his salesforce in radio advertising sales, posting 15-20% growth year after year despite having no prior experience in advertising. Today, Brent and his wife Michele own All Smiles Harrisonburg through their dental service organization called All Smiles Management Inc, and it is one of the premier pediatric, orthodontic, and oral surgery practices in western Virginia. In 2020 they welcomed their firstborn son Andrew, and they always make it a point to prioritize family and those they care about. Brent embodies an attitude of serving others and helping them to achieve their goals, and his boutique marketing and branding agency Stoneco LLC helps other business owners to problem solve and arrive at breakthroughs to move their businesses forward. Brent with the help of a close friend launched a Digital Advertising and Marketing Agency called Funnel Force in 2021. The agency's focus is tactical digital strategies that drive sales, retain customers, and recruit staff. Brent Stone is a true leader and one of the most genuine people you could have the pleasure to meet. Follow on Instagram @brent_stone_

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Christine McKay, Venn Negotiation
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Christine McKay is a Business Negotiation Strategist, international speaker, host of In the Venn Zone podcast, and author of Why Not Ask? A Conversation about Getting More.
Christine holds a Harvard MBA and is the CEO/Founder of Venn Negotiation. She has negotiated with more than half of the Fortune 100 & hundreds of small and mid-sized companies across 53 countries.
She loves leveling the playing field for her clients and empowers entrepreneurs and business owners to ask for more of what they want and shows them how to get it. Her mission is to reduce business failure rates by helping people elevate their negotiation skills!
She was born and raised in a rural community in Montana, graduating with the same 20 kids she grew up with. Christine’s been married to the love of her life for almost 30 years and is a proud mom of three grown children.
For more information go to: https://www.vennnegotiation.com/

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Joe Camberato, GrowByJoe
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Tuesday Nov 30, 2021
Joe Camberato has a passion: Helping small businesses grow – really helping them grow.
His passion has defined an entrepreneurial journey that began in his spare bedroom in 2007 where, after discovering a world of private lending that few small business owners knew existed, Joe turned his fascination into a business. Its mission: understand a client’s needs, match them to the right lender, do it fast & with integrity.
Today, as the nation’s unrivaled FinTech Marketplace, National Business Capital has secured over
$1 Billion in business financing and embraced a visionary focus: Innovating the Way Entrepreneurs Grow.®
As Joe was helping businesses finance their growth, he grew his to 100+ employees without private equity.
Along the way he learned a lot about how to architect a business to scale.
Now, in addition to providing access to funding, he helps clients learn how to build businesses that run themselves, by working “on them” not in them.
His passion has also inspired him to build “GrowByJoe” on YouTube to share his insights, along with his seat on Forbes Finance Council and he is also an active member of YPO.

Friday Nov 12, 2021
Rushabh Mehta, Matchbook AI
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Rushabh Mehta is an entrepreneur and founder of Matchbook AI. With degrees in Chemical Engineering and an MBA, Rushabh chose to follow his passion for computers and IT for the past 22 years. Rushabh prides himself as a data geek and has spent the better part of his career helping organizations of all sizes in their digital transformation journey for their data assets. Rushabh is also a passionate trainer, mentor and community volunteer and leader.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rushabhmehta

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Jeff Raber, Cannabis Research
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Dr. Raber received his B.S. in biochemistry from Lebanon Valley College, PA and
subsequently a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of Southern California
with an emphasis on developing new synthetic methodologies useful in pharmaceutical
drug discovery and manufacturing efforts. Dr. Raber studied botanical phylogenetic
relationships based on the RuBisCO enzyme’s evolution while in college and was
named to the USA Today 1997 All-USA College Academic Team for his research
accomplishments in this area. Dr. Raber entered cannabis in 2010 and has published 5
peer-reviewed articles on cannabis topics. Dr. Raber has been invited to lecture about
cannabis around the world, holds multiple patents on cannabis-based technologies,
particularly pertaining to terpenes, and is often sought out by the press to comment on
topics as he is recognized as one of the industry's scientific thought leaders.
For more information about Jeff Raber go to https://cannabismanufacturers.org/team/jeffrey-c-raber-ph-d/

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Mike Skrypnek, Grow Get Give
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Mike helps spark mid-career entrepreneurs with great potential put their dreams into action for big impact. He is a renowned business catalyst, seven time bestselling author, and featured podcast guest.
Intentionally adding energy at the right time, the right way, with the right person allows impact to go interstellar and set off a cosmic ripple effect. The multiplier effect of entrepreneurial success extends through generations.
Mike’s recently launched Total Quantum Impact process lays the groundwork and a methodology to realize your personal and professional dreams, while quantifying your impact for life.
He lives, loves and adventures in Squamish, BC, Canada with his wife Sherri and their two young adult children.
For more information about Grow Get Give go to https://www.mikeskrypnek.com/

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
George McGraw, DigDeep
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021

Monday Sep 06, 2021
Todd Smart, Serial Entrepreneur
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
A "serial entrepreneur," as described by Crain's Chicago Business, Todd has founded and been President of four successful businesses since the age of 22.
In addition to Crain’s, Todd has been featured in a number of publications including Forbes, Success magazine, and a cover article of Inc. Magazine.
Todd’s first business in the food industry grew from start-up to 85 people in 18 months. Since then, he has also been in technology and publishing. Currently, he works with leadership teams and entrepreneurial peer groups to increase their effectiveness. In the last 17 years Todd has been a speaker, trainer, and facilitator for over 1,000 events. Todd is a Certified EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) Implementer. He is also a master trainer with YPO/WPO/EO.For more information about Todd Smart go to https://www.linkedin.com/in/tdsmart

Friday Sep 03, 2021
Mike Goral, Armanino‘s National Cannabis Tax Practice
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Mike leads Armanino's National Cannabis Tax Practice. A tax professional since 1989, he has significant experience in federal, state and local tax from both an accounting and legal perspective. He spent time with multiple Big 4 firms, including serving in KPMG’s Washington National Tax Office, and has worked with cannabis companies both large and small in California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Colorado.
He advises cannabis clients on a broad range of issues that affect the space, including mergers and acquisitions, loan structuring, and funding mechanisms from venture capital, private equity and investment banking. Mike provides guidance on cannabis technology, manufacturing, transportation and retail issues.
Mike is the contributing editor of Cannabis Taxation a 250-page treatise for Thomson Reuters discussing the 34 states that tax cannabis sales. He is a member of the California Society of Certified Public Accountants, the National Cannabis Industry Association and the California Cannabis Association, which nominated him for their CPA of the Year award for 2019. He holds a B.S. in mathematics and psychology from the University of Alabama, a J.D. from Cumberland Law, and a Masters of Tax Law from Emory Law School.
For more information about Armanino's National Cannabis Tax Practice go to https://www.armaninollp.com/industries/cannabis/

Friday Aug 27, 2021
Jim Riley, Consultant
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Jim Riley has spent his entire life saying yes to career changes and unique opportunities that align with his foundational values.
Riley runs a successful, consulting business in Kalispell, Montana. Known for supplying value to clients by providing strategic recommendations, Jim Riley is known for smart strategic thinking, insightful operations, successful business growth and high pressure transitions.
Jim is currently the host of two successful podcasts. “The Answer is “Yes” podcast features business leaders discussing both the power of saying “yes” and the decisions that made them successful. “The Liberty of Lose” podcast features local and national public figures discussing current politics and where the country is heading.
In addition, Riley actively consults for several successful companies and is known for helping businesses through transitional phases, marketing strategy, sales improvements, public relations, providing innovation and facilitating operational improvements.
Riley oversees two of his own business and has an extensive background in marketing, food and beverage, and everything in between.
Well known work includes time spent with In-N-Out, Kettle One Vodka, Diego, Booth Creek Ski Holdings, Azunia Tequila, and Baja United Group.
Jim Riley is a leading advocate for conservative political actions as School Board Trustee in Smith Valley District 89. He is a popular speaker on the subjects of education, veterans, 2nd Amendment Rights, freedom of religion, small government, public land use, legal immigration, the constitution, pro-life, first responders, and the Save the Cowboy movement in Montana. For more information go to https://livelifedriven.com/

Monday Aug 23, 2021
The California Love Drop
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
The California Love Drop supports and fuels healthcare workers and first responders by providing meals, beverages, treats, and supplies to hospitals, medical centers, fire departments, police stations, grocery distribution centers, and more. We provide smiles and much-needed relief. The deliveries have gone to several local families and organizations from Los Angeles to San Diego, including CHOC Children’s Hospital, UCI Medical Center, Hoag Hospital, UCLA Medical Center, San Bernardino Community Dignity Hospital, Dodger Stadium Testing Site and numerous police stations and firehouses.
We believe in the power of humanity, and the significant impact a delicious meal can have on uplifting spirits. Community support is more important than ever.
What started as a single delivery of 300 meals from Wahoo’s Fish Taco to Hoag Hospital in Irvine, CA on April 12, 2020, has turned into an astounding collaboration known as the California Love Drop.
Wing Lam, Co-Founder of Wahoo’s Fish Taco, Wendy Ellis, Director of Marketing of KLOS-FM, and Eric Morley, Co-Founder of Blue C, have actively partnered with other organizations such as Yogurtland, Antis Roofing, Monster Energy, Hint Water, North Men’s Wear, Constellation Brands, Boston Beer Co., Left Coast Brewing Company, B Candy, Yeti, Cholula Hot Sauce, Loan Depot, Coyle Repro, Vans, Drake’s Organic Spirits, Fortis Resource Partners, and The Purist Group to personally thank those on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
As of today, the California Love Drop has delivered over 11,000 meals at 61 different locations. The plan is to keep the positive momentum going and continue to applaud the courage of our frontline heroes. For more information go to https://californialovedrop.org/

Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Ted Miracco -Cylynt
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
Thursday Aug 12, 2021
About Ted Miracco
Ted is co-founder and CEO of Cylynt. His high-technology experience spans 30 years in electronic design automation (EDA), semiconductors, defense electronics, RF/microwave circuit design, and cybersecurity.
Prior to Cylynt, Ted was a co-founder of the EDA company AWR Corporation, which was acquired by National Instruments in 2011 and became part of Cadence Design Systems in 2020. In addition, he has worked with several Fortune 500 software companies, including Cadence Design Systems and start-up company EEsof Inc., which was acquired by Hewlett Packard in 1994 and is now Keysight Technologies. Ted holds a B.S.E.E. from Carnegie Mellon University.
The Cylynt platform is trusted by some of the world’s leading software companies for enhanced business intelligence and globally is protecting around $50 billion of software assets.
Cylynt solutions, which evolved from anti-piracy and license compliance roots, are an integral part of the ongoing battle to safeguard intellectual property against increasingly sophisticated evasion techniques and result in significant revenue recovery and brand protection.
Detailed usage analytics provide unparalleled understanding into how users interact with a software vendor’s product and deliver valuable insight into customer experience, product development, lead generation, and sales processes. Across these elements, clients are currently realizing a gross ROI from Cylynt solutions of up to nine times their investment.
To find out more: Cylynt.com

Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Philip Rebentisch, GottaStory
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Creating Hand-Crafted Cannabis Content
Medical cannabis can make profound changes in people’s lives, and we’re here to share their stories. Like tales told around a campfire, people respond to stories that connect and engage them.
We’re bringing this concept to educational marketing content for cannabis brands, companies, and products. We feel it’s essential to help rebrand cannabis, moving away from the stoner stereotype.
Philip recently launched Don’t Strain Yourself, a patient-focused platform to educate adults age 40+ about medicinal cannabis. He shares stories from patients, medical professionals, and cannabis experts. You can also watch the videos on the GottaStory Video Page.
As an industry, we must first be a community. To that end, empathy and compassion drive everything that Gotta Story Media creates.
Philip’s ethos is to lend a hand when needed, and he relishes doing so. Philip creates educational marketing content for cannabis companies, products, and brands, via digital video, podcasts, and articles. He formed Gotta Story Media in 2018 and recently launched a new video platform entitled Don’t Strain Yourself. By sharing patient stories and advice from medical professionals, DSY educates adults age 40+ about medicinal cannabis.
Philip began his media career creating educational TV for NASA, and he's been fortunate to work in marketing, public relations, and entertainment in digital and broadcast endeavors. Philip also created content for non-profit organizations such as the American Heart Association Los Angeles, the American Red Cross, the Flying Samaritans, and the Aquarium of the Pacific.
Philip served as a two-term president of the American Marketing Association Los Angeles. As such, he exercised leadership skills, created its podcast series and blog, drafted weekly email content, hosted conferences, and moderated monthly educational panels.
When he is not behind a video camera, Philip is either with his amazing family or racing through the Southern California mountains on Triumph motorcycles.
You can see more of Philip's work at Gotta Story

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Ira Rosen -Influencer
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Winners of the prestigious “Marketer of the Year'' award through the Phoenix Business Journal, and “Best Selling Author” with customers in 50+ countries. He will show you how to tap into LinkedIn’s $26.2 Billion dollar “digital gold mine” to build your LinkedIn and email databases, book targeted appointments, and close deals. He and his team has helped customers generate over 1 million appointments and helped customers generate over $1 Billion in revenue from LinkedIn. He is passionate about personal development and helping others become the best version of themselves. Ira lives in Scottsdale AZ with his wife and loves traveling to Mexico, spending quality time with his two daughters and their spouses. for more information about Ira Rosen go to https://www.linkedin.com/in/ira-rosen-637366b2

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Ed LaFrance - Datacate
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Ed began his career working in industrial models and design in the late 1980's, fabricating prototypes and scale representations for government and private industries. In the early 1990's, Ed moved into manufacturing and industrial equipment, working as a production designer and manager in a factory setting. In the latter part of the 1990s, Ed served as VP of sales for a manufacturer of industrial printing and automation equipment, at a pivotal time when sales and marketing were beginning to move into the online arena.
In 1997, Ed started New Media, an Internet services company offering web hosting, colocation, e-Commerce programming and payment processing services as a part-time effort. As the business evolved it became a full-time endeavor, with colocation and carrier services becoming a major focus. Eventually New Media was transformed into Connex Internet Services Inc, a colocation and Internet transit provider serving five regional US markets and beyond, utilizing the skills of dozens of engineers and technical staff.
In January of 2014, Datacate and Connex merged into one company, with Ed taking on full-time sales and marketing duties. The new Datacate gained a more diverse client base and multi-site capability. While continuing to serve the needs of the colocation marketplace, Ed and his colleagues at Datacate are forging ahead into the decentralized future of a virtual and cloud-based computing universe.
In November of 2016, Ed added business development for BlueDAG LLC to his responsibilities. BlueDAG's flagship ADA assessment software, delivered via the cloud to desktop and mobile devices, is a revolutionary development in the ADA compliance industry, with the power to reduce the time required to complete an accessibility audit by as much as 75%. Ed oversees the direct marketing and awareness initiatives to bring BlueDAG to the ADA compliance industry. For more information about Datacate go to https://www.datacate.net/

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Mark Williams - Brokers International
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Mark Williams has taken an interesting approach to business all his life. When he was 16 and needed a job, he walked into a small, local business and told the owner, “I’ll make you a deal,” give me two weeks. At the end of two weeks, you can either hire me on and pay me or not pay me and send me home.” He got the job.
As the CEO of Brokers International, a major insurance brokerage, Mark works every day to create a culture of transparent and authentic communication between those customers who he considers his true customers - employees, vendors, distributors and clients.
Business Background
He has spent his entire business career in the insurance world, working his way up the ranks from positions such as director of national sales and marketing for a top tier life and accident insurance company to overseeing sales on a regional level as a vice president to president of a financial marketing firm before going to Brokers International - first as chief of sales and one year later being promoted to president and CEO.
His focus throughout his career has been to listen to the voice of the customer. He believes that intentional listening allows him to focus on where to explore new opportunities and take the calculated risks necessary to expand his company’s overall market share while enhancing sales and service.
He looks to data to support his decisions while sometimes questioning the analysis of data. He looks for patterns that others might miss to find actionable insights that offer solutions to some of his greatest challenges.
Mark is a leader who hires talented people and allows them to do great things. He is intrigued by the ever-changing landscape of technology, data, and the avenues that companies will deliver their products and services to the consumer.
It is this passion that keeps him researching, reading and exploring new technologies, and observing customer behaviour.
Mark holds both NASD - Series 6 and 63 licenses as well as a BS degree in business from the University of Phoenix. For more information on Brokers International go to https://www.biltd.com/